Acrylic on MDF and wood with parts and resin. 15x22. SOLD

Oil spray on concrete and metal mesh on polycarbonate with hardware and wood. 17x14x4. $300

Spray Paint on concrete, wood and metal, with metal mesh. 9x10. $175

Spray paint on concrete, wood, and plastic and metal screen, with metal accents and hardware. 10x20. $250

Acrylic on polycarbonate, wood and MDF, with aluminum. 12x20. $250

Collage and acrylic with dry transfer letters. 28x20. $100

Acrylic on MDF, wood, canvas, and metal. 7x7x4. $100

Concrete on metal screen and wood with found items. 10x10. $180

Acrylic on paper. 20x24. $100

Collage with acrylic paint. 18x24. $100

Spray paint on concrete, metal screen and wood. 10x21. $200

Aluminum bat, MDF, acrylic and spray paint, parts. 9x33.

Acrylic on canvas. 10x15.5.

Spray paint on concrete, metal screen, and wood. 20x7.

Collage and vinyl stickers on paper. 12x18. Sold

Spray paint on concretem metal screen, and wood. 6x6. Sold

Oil spray paint on concrete, metal screen, and wood. 21x5. $300

Acrylic on MDF, with ploycarbonate and acrylic sheet, hardware. 10x17 $300

Acrylic on MDF with polycarbonate plastic, aluminum, wood, and hardware. 23x16x4. $400

Acrylic on MDF with polycarbonate plastic and hardware.15x2x2. $300

acrylic and latex or a vintage campaign sign, plexiglass, hardware. Piece hangs either way. SOLD

Oil on wood, acrylic on canvas board. the six pieces are re-arrangeable thanks to magnets! SOLD

Acrylic and oil spray on burned wood, wood, and plexiglass, 5x9. SOLD

Acrylic and oil spray on MDF, wood, and metal. 13x25. $300

Acrylic and heavy gesso on canvas. 28x25. SOLD

Acrylic on MDF, burned wood, video game cartridge, plexiglass, hardware. 8x9. $175

Acrylic on metal, oil spray on wood and MDF, rivets, assorted hardware. 7x16. SOLD

NES cartridge, wood, acrylic and spray paint on MDF. 13x15x5. SOLD

Paper, ballot, dry transfer letters, acrylic paint, collage, on mat board. 9x18. $200

Acrylic on plexiglass, wood, hardware, 8x21. $200

Acrylic on MDF, wood, plexiglass, hardware, felt bottom. 6x6x6. SOLD

Acrylic on MDF, plexiglass, hardware, wood. 8.5x5. SOLD

PVC, metal, plexiglass, wood, spray paint, hardware, copper. 29x10x9 $375

Missile: Spray paint on PVC, metal, wood, MDF. Base: Acrylic on MDF, teflon strips, hardware. 29x10x9, $375

Acrylic and spray on wood panel, canvas, copper tube, glass, and hardware, 9x19x3, $180

Acrylic and spray paint in canvas wrapped wood panel, copper tube, and hardware. 5.5x11.5, SOLD

Acrylic on wood, plexiglass, metal, hardware, 9x15.5. $250

Acrylic on canvas, aluminum, plexiglass, hardware, 9x19. SOLD

Oil on MDF, plexiglass, wood, electric parts, LED, hardware, 9x10x4.5. $250

Acrylic on MDF, wood, resin, hardware, 26x14. SOLD